We're offering 3 lots of $500 for secondary schools and 5 lots of $200 for primary schools. Maximum 1 prize per school.
The theme is "Paint it MUSAC Green" - figuratively speaking, although if you want to literally get painting that's cool too - students ask your teachers first!
The rules, which I'm sure you'll all bend:
- The entry must be a photo in jpg format no bigger than 2mb email to: support@musac.co.nz including your school name and contact person
- Entries close 5pm 25 September 2009
- Winners announced 12 October 2009
- Payments will be made to the school, not individuals
- All monies should go towards student prize or prizes
- MUSAC may use the photo in it's marketing and promotional material and the school transfers all rights to the photo to MUSAC
- In submitting the entry the school will have ensured the permission of all people in it has been granted - including caregiver permission
- 1 prize per school
- If the winner is a MUSAC school or signed up for 2010, we'll add 20% to the prize!
- MUSAC reserves the right to award any, all or none of the prizes
- Judges decision will be final, no correspondence will be entered into
- Originality
- Incorporation of MUSAC green marketing collateral e.g. t-shirts, mugs, logo, brochure, software
- Use of the MUSAC green colour
- General coolness
- Demonstration of service, excellence, achievement or diligence
What about schools that don't fall into the 1-8 and 7-13/9-13 categories?
ReplyDeleteIf your school has years 11-13 students, we'll call you secondary.