With our new web-based student management product coming out soon, the time is rapidly approaching for us to come up with something witty and original. And that's where we need your help.
Our new product will redefine school administration software. We have developed this web application from the ground up to meet the needs of key users within the school community. Our web application can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection, by the people that need it, whenever they want it.
Email Us a cool, original name for our new product by the 22nd of June. It could be the name of your pet rock, your great-grandma’s middle name, or perhaps a brand new word you made up that is ready for the world.
You can enter as many times as you like, - and heck, if we like one of them, not only will you win your self a brand spanking macbook but your idea will be the name of our new product.
Winners will be announced here on the MUSAC blog on the 25th of June, and see what other ideas were sent to us by following us on our twitter
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