Monday 10 March 2014

Either blog or do not ...

When we first created a MUSAC blog I was told either blog or do not blog. Do not get caught in the middle ... got caught in the middle so ended it for a while. Now it is restart.

2013 was pretty darn busy and was the first "real" year for edge. There were some good bits and some not so good bits, sprinkled with great bits. 2014 has started significantly better than 2013. We are much better prepared and worked hard to deliver a btter service than 2013. We also have some much simpler and clearer targets for the year and some very exciting developments planned.

So much like the big players (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Xero, etc) we'll announce these developments when they are close to delivery. Right now it is updates to the latest assessment tools, NCEA and caregiver reporting echoing around MUSAC.

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